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First Methodist Church
Lake City
973 S. Marion Ave
Lake City, FL 32025
PH: 386-752-4488

A Member of the
Global Methodist Church
Our Mission is to
To make disciples of Jesus Christ who
worship passionately,
love extravagantly,
and witness boldly
Music Ministry
At First Methodist, we believe that music helps to enrich our worship experience and teach God's truths to God's people. The Chancel Choir sings in varied styles for our mornings worship experience. Classical music, spirituals, and hymn anthems, help us to worship God through praise, prayer and understanding. The congregation enjoys singing hymns, old and new, as a way of professing their faith and expressing their love of God.
The Chancel Choir
The Chancel Choir is open to all singers from high school age up.
In addition to leading in worship each Sunday, the Chancel Choir
performs for special services and cantatas at Christmas and
Easter and for other occasions.
If you are interested in joining, please contact
the church office at 386-752-4488.

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