First Methodist Church
Lake City
973 S. Marion Ave
Lake City, FL 32025
PH: 386-752-4488
A Member of the
Global Methodist Church
Our Mission is to
To make disciples of Jesus Christ who
worship passionately,
love extravagantly,
and witness boldly
The Florida United Methodist Children’s Home and Madison Youth Ranch. The FUMCH is a private, faith-based, non-profit agency that provides a continuum of care to children, youth, and families throughout Florida. Children come to FUMCH because of sexual abuse, physical abuse, abandonment, or because of family breakdown due to divorce, drug abuse, illness, or death of a parent.
The Madison Youth Ranch is a “north residential campus” for FUMCH. Donations are given every 5th Sunday during our worship services. The Christian Service Center provides food, clothing, household goods and furniture, and motel assistance for those who need help due to financial problems, loss of home due to fire and many other situations. It is us helping our neighbors.
The Backpack Ministry is a nationwide ministry that gives school children food for the weekend who would not normally have anything to eat. We currently provide food for 15 children in Columbia County. You may bring donations to the church any Sunday morning and put them in the baskets in the Narthex, or drop them off in the office Monday-Thursday. (Matthew 25:35)
Our Pumpkin Patch, a church wide outreach ministry, and Fall Festival sponsored by our Children’s Ministry is another community outreach that reaches over 2,000 people in Lake City. Spreading God’s love one pumpkin at a time! Our pumpkins come from the Navajo Reservation in New Mexico, employing around 300 workers and in many cases is the only opportunity for the workers to provide for their families and themselves. Unemployment on the Reservation is 42%. Our partnering with Pumpkin Patch makes a significant difference in the quality of the lives of the Navajo people.
Baby Bottle Boomerang is the annual fundraiser for the Pregnancy Care Center here in Lake City and in Live Oak. Services include
pregnancy tests, and ultrasounds, resources such as clothes, diapers, baby furniture, accessories, education through the Earn While
You Learn program, and counseling for issues facing young women who are pregnant or with young children and post-abortion counseling
and adoption help. Our church, along with 95 other churches in the area, support the Pregnancy Care Center
Operation Christmas Child, sponsored by Samaritan's Purse, is sponsored by Samaritan’s Purse ( and is an opportunity for us to partner with churches around the world to reach children with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Since 1993, Samaritan’s Purse has delivered shoebox gifts to more than 113 million children around the world. We typically donate around 115 shoeboxes each year.
All outreach is on a volunteer basis. If you would like to participate in any ministry, a sign up sheet is usually available in the Narthex prior to any event. You will not be called unless you sign up!